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Pave Your Path To Pregnancy

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  1. PTPTP Welcome
    Intro to Tests
  3. STI's
  4. Blood Tests
  5. Fertility
  6. AMH
  7. CM Tracking
  8. Genetic Tests for you
    Counselling - Introduction
  10. Affording a Baby Solo
  11. Things To Consider As a Recipient
  12. Things to Consider as a Donor
  13. Telling people your plan
  14. Donor Roles
  15. Sourcing a Donor
    Eliminating for Fertility Intro
  17. Caffeine
  18. Alcohol
  19. Dairy
  20. Gluten
  21. Soy
  22. Sugar
  23. MODULE 4 - Aligning For Fertility
    Introduction to Aligning for Fertility
  24. Mindset
  25. Move!
  26. Bend and Breathe
  27. Silence Stress
  28. Body Alignment & TCM
  29. MODULE 5 - Fuelling For Fertility
    Fuelling for Fertility - bolstering for reproduction Intro
  30. Organic Foods
  31. Vitamins
  32. Humble H2O
    Known Donor Conception Legalities
  34. Federal, State and Case Law pertaining to Known Donor Conception
  35. Using International Gametes Donors & surrogates
  36. Natural Insemination & The Law
  37. Two Ways for a Man to Become a Sperm Donor
  38. Known Donor Contract/Pre-Conception Agreement
  39. MODULE 7 - Intro To Donors
    Introduction to Donors
  40. Donor Etiquette
  41. Meet Sperm Donors
  42. Instrument Size
  43. Known Donors in USA
  44. MODULE 8 - Donor Health
    Sperm Quality
  45. Genetics - Personality traits are genetically linked
  46. Donor Health History
    Conception Methods Intro
  48. AI/HI method and Instructions
  49. NI/PI/XI
  50. Cervical Caps
  51. Conception Tricks
  52. MODULE 10 - GO TIME
    Go Time Introduction
  53. Safety First
  54. Time to Connect
  55. Insem Session
  56. 2WW
    2WW Wait Intro
  57. Distract
  58. Gain and Train
  59. KonMari Your World
  60. Upskill
  62. BFP
  63. Extra Conception things you can do!
    Inflammation & Infertility
  64. Household Toxins
    Shifting Gears or Exploring more options. Here's a List to assist you!
Lesson 66 of 65
In Progress

Defining the Parent

Kbuti Group August 27, 2020

Still confused?

Who’s the parent really?  By Stephen Page 

Since the time of the Emperor Justinian in the 7th Century, who is a mother of a child has been plain: the mother is always certain, because she is the one who gives birth.

Who is the father of the child has been what the law has been searching for ever since.

As a result, the law has created rules or presumptions about who might be a parent.  

Matters got more complicated after IVF came into existence as the genetic parent may not be the legal parent – as there might be a sperm donor, an egg donor or even these days a surrogate.

There is an Australia wide scheme about who is a parent for family law.  This is contained under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), which is Federal legislation.  Each of the States and Territories have their own laws, usually called the Status of Children Act which sets out these presumptions as well.

If you’re in Australia and want to research family law section 60H further, head HERE

Things do get more complicated with ART as technology keeps becoming more advanced. Among donor conceived circles, the parent can be outlined as such:

Social parent: a term employed to describe the relationship between two persons (typically adult/child) for whom genetic material may or may not be shared. The adult actively chooses the parenthood relationship and responsibilities through biology, adoption, foster care, step-parenthood, or other means. The social parent(s) is (are) primarily responsible for the rearing of offspring.

Intended parent: a term employed to describe the status of a person who receives donor gametes in order to create, gestate, and/or raise offspring. An intended parent may or may not be contributing their own gametes in the creation of their offspring. This term is especially applicable to gamete donor recipients, but not the offspring who are conceived with donated gametes.

Gamete Donor or Gamete Provider: a term employed to define the role of a person who has donated or provided gametes (sperm or eggs) with the intention of relinquishing the rights and responsibilities of social parenthood. The gamete donor may or may not form a relationship with their biological offspring, depending on the legal limits of the location in which they donated or the relationship with the intended parent(s).

Open ID at 18 donor: Basically means the donor is “anonymous until the child turns 18 (16yo in some places)

Genetic/Biological parent: a term employed to describe the relationship between two persons (parent/offspring) who share genetic material, wherein one person has contributed a gamete (sperm or egg) that leads to the creation of the other person.

Surrogates may be gestational carriers and genetic mothers but not social mothers.

Donor Conceived Person (DC/DCP): a term employed to define the conception/biological origin of a person. This person has been conceived through gamete donation and may or may not have a relationship with their biological parent. This biological parent is not the DCP’s donor, as the person to whom the gametes were donated is termed the intended or social parent.

**These are not my descriptions but are those of a DCP.